The Impulse Life

Because life should be more fanciful.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Post 2 of 2: The Rules

So! Let's lay some ground rules, yes? Here's what I'll be doing with this piece of internet.

1. I will post every day! This I solemnly swear to do, unless I state, no later than the post before, that I won't be posting for a legitimate reason, like vacation or internet-less travel.

2. If I miss a post without prior notice, I will mail the first commenter to point it out a crayon drawing of an animal of their choice. Ooooh yeah. (Since I don't expect to get a comment ever, this shouldn't  be a problem.  See, by adding this rule I'm showing that I'm willing to be held accountable but sneakily still being lazy.)

3. Every once and a while I'll be doing fun social-ish experiments. What will these be like? I guess you'll just have to read and see! 

4. I will keep this blog open to anyone on the internet, not because I'm a fame-monger or an exhibitionist, but because I like creeping on random blogs and feel like I should re-pay the favor to my fellow creepers. That said, I am aware that anybody, let me reiterate, ANYBODY, could be reading this, so I won't be sharing specific personal details. I also will try to keep this blog, oh, PG. Although I guess I already mentioned drugs and alcohol in my very first post, so maybe PG-13.

5.  That sounds good for now. I reserve the right to add any rules as I see fit. But the above rules will stay.

Now I have to go fit this:

Mountain of clothes

Into this:

Baby for scale purposes only.

So, we'll have more fun tomorrow.

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