I'm supposed to be packing.
I pack quite a bit, because I travel more than an acid user on acid. That's how acid works, right? Anyways, I'm an excellent packer when I feel like being one, but my last four trips or so I've been like, screw this! until the last possible minute, thrown everything helter-skelter into whatever bag I grabbed from the basement first, and then gone on my trip toothpaste-less. Which is a surprise, because I love brushing my teeth. You'd think I would throw the toothpaste in there first.
Anyways, I have no idea how this blogging business works. I just got about 3 hours of sleep last night after having a few glasses of sangria with friends and now think this is an excellent idea. But I also thought that putting on this giant Korean sombrero that my mom bought for my little sister's father-daughter Mexico-themed square dance was a great idea and, though I look fabulous, it's not actually that comfortable. So to summarize, both the hat-wearing and the blog-making were impulse decisions. We'll see which one was worse over time. I suspect the blog, though hopefully it won't make my neck as sore as this Korean sombrero does.
This is gonna be fun, right?
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